Building an Infinity Machine

If you smile, I will be in your smile.

Rub your hands together.

I will be in the warmth of your hands.

Close your eyes.

I will be in the movement of your eyelids.

B e i n g i n Y o u

Building an Infinity Machine

Could we live after our death in other bodies?

Cat Janice, a DC-based musician, wants to leave some part of herself in this world.

Using a game engine, AI machine learning, and your body, Being in You is an attempt to build an infinity machine. A digital representation of Cat will ask you to do some things and in this way, she will appear in the real world,

through your body.

Being in You is an XR experience made by MichaƂ Stankiewicz with co-creation with Cat Janice. The project was in the final Biennale College Cinema VR in Venice and East Doc Platform in Prague. More: